Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Sourdough (by Robin Sloan)

Sourdough is about a woman named Lois Clary who works at a tech company in San Francisco and then gets a mysterious sourdough starter that changes the course of her life.

I didn't realize Robin Sloan was also the author of Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore, but that makes so much sense. (And it looks like they changed the cover and added a subtitle to make that clearer. I like the first cover so much better, and I'm not even going to pretend that dumb subtitle is part of this situation.) Sourdough has got the Sloan quirkiness, and so many Bay Area references that I, who work at a tech company in San Francisco, was delighted.

So yep, overall charming. I liked the first half better than the back half (Lois getting the starter and figuring out where to go from there) but still was happy to finish it and would give it a thumbs up in particular for SF locals.

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