Sunday, September 16, 2018

Eat Pray Love (by Elizabeth Gilbert)

After reading and enjoying The Signature of All Things, I realized Elizabeth Gilbert is not a fluffy lady author, as the Eat Pray Love pop-culture phenomenon (and the patriarchy) sort of implied, and that someday I should maybe read her memoir. Dear readers, that someday is now.

And this memoir is well-written and enjoyable. Yes, she is a privileged white lady traveling around the world, but she still genuinely engages with the places she visits in a sincere way, and seems to be  thoughtful about how she does so. She is likeable and honest, and her emotional journey resonated with me as I read it.

Probably most people have read this if they're going to read it; I'm about a decade late on this particular bandwagon. But this is a classic example of why I love ebooks from the library so much: if I'd had to pay for this book I might not have taken the chance, but I'm glad I did.

I kind of wish I graded books. I'd give this one a B+!

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