Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Bad Fat Black Girl: Notes from a Trap Feminist (by Sesali Bowen)

I had to commute into the office last week for the first time in years, which made it a great opportunity to finally check out "an audiobook performed by a person of color of a book written by an author of color." This is read by the author, Sesali Bowen.  

Short review: this is great. I learned a lot about trap music and culture, and Bowen's perspective on feminism gave me a lot to think about and unpack.  I tagged this as memoir since she uses her own experiences to guide the reader through her ideas.

This quote from Goodreads captures it well: "If you want to challenge your ideas of what it means to be a feminist, particularly if you are steeped in white feminism that lacks intersectionality, I would recommend reading Bad Fat Black Girl." Same here. It's entertaining, erudite, queer, challenging, enlightening.  

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