Saturday, May 04, 2019

The New Me (by Halle Butler)

This book popped up in my email ("the book you had on hold is ready to check out") and I had no memory of where I heard about it, what it is, or why I put it on hold. I decided not to find out, so reading it could be a delightful surprise! It turns out that this is the story of a depressed, cynical, and socially awkward temp worker, reminiscent of the wonderful My Year of Rest and Relaxation. 

Mordantly funny, compact, and avoids cliche as it really sticks the landing. If you enjoyed MYoRaR, you will like this too. (I'm betting a sentence like that is what got me to put it on hold in the first place.) In case you're still on the fence, here's a quote:

I think I’m drawn to temp work for the slight atmospheric changes. The new offices and coworkers provide a nice illusion of variety. Like how people switch out their cats’ wet food from Chicken and Liver to Sea Bass, but in the end, it’s all just flavored anus.

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