Monday, April 09, 2007

On Pointe (by Lorie Ann Grover)

Lorie Ann Grover, from Readergirlz, sent me a review copy of her book after we'd sent some e-mails back and forth chatting about her project, her book, and my other blog. On Pointe is a novel in verse based in part on Grover's life as a young ballet dancer.

The novel-in-verse concept was a new one on me. It's pretty simple as far as poetry goes; although at times she does interesting things with line breaks, for the most part, it isn't so much the poetry of it as the mood she creates for her narrator. (If that makes any sense.) I loved the characters and storyline, and I really loved the way it confronted issues like eating disorders, the pressure of the dance world, individual identity, etc. without being simplistic or wrapping things up tidily. No easy answers, and I think that's what modern YA aspires and needs to do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much,
Mo Pie,
for the generous

I appreciate
your time
and thoughts.

Best to you,
Lorie Ann, readergirlz diva

10:13 AM  

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