Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Little Children (by Tom Perotta)

I read this one for the book group. I usually try to read it the week before the meeting, but I picked it up one day and got engrossed, and then was halfway done by the time I was able to put it down. It's a quick read that way! I enjoyed it overall, but am currently letting my thoughts marinate for the discussion, and have not really formulated many yet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Post thoughts when you do formulate them for those of us not in your book club. :) I am intrigued by how engrossing this sounds like it was.

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too would be interested in hearing someone else's thoughts on the book. I myself have so many questions...like why was the molester character really necessary, and why did Perrotta choose the particular characters that he did to share the last symbolic scene in the playground. And it was so depressing to think that this is the quality of todays parents!! So concerned about themselves and not AT ALL about their children.

9:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved the book. Read it in 2days!
Would love to be Sarah for a day (I've been happily married for 8yrs) but to have a kiss like that by the swingset...and everything else...yes, like teenagers!
I think Todd was very into his son-Sarah-not so much.
The molester was there mostly to bring out more about the other characters- how they reacted to him- like the retired cop and Sarah at the end...

5:51 PM  

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