Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Honor Girl (by Maggie Thrash)

I read this for the "read a nonfiction YA comic" part of the Read Harder challenge.  It's a graphic novel memoir about a girl's coming of age at a summer camp in Kentucky.

I didn't love the art style - in particular, how difficult it was to tell so many of the background characters apart. (The fact that they are all white did not help... I understand this was set in a very white area and was nonfiction so I understand, but they could still have been better differentiated.)

The bittersweet nature of the story is good, and it's subtly told. I did get confused at one point when it seemed to be stated that two characters had never kissed, but then I swear a few pages earlier they did kiss. I went and looked back to see if there was any clear indication it was a fantasy or dream, but didn't see it. Maybe I missed some obvious graphic novel signal that I'm just unfamiliar with.  At any rate, this wasn't my absolute favorite but it was fine.


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