Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Chris Farley Show: A Biography in Three Acts (by Tom Farley, Jr. and Tanner Colby)

I love insider SNL books (I want a sequel to Live in New York so bad) and I really enjoyed this, sad thought it was. It's personal recollections of many people who knew Chris Farley (including the real Matt Foley!) and gives lots of background, for good and bad, about why his life turned out the way it did. Ultimately, he emerges as a very sympathetic figure, but at the same time it didn't seem in any way whitewashed.

I did wonder why Adam Sandler and Rob Schneider, among others, weren't in it. And there really weren't a lot of women represented--his mother and sister were interviewed, but neither of their interviews made it. It very much reads as a male point of view, but since SNL really was a boys' club when Farley was there, it makes a certain sense. Anyway, loved reading this; if you're into SNL at all, pick it up.


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