Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Worst Perfect Moment (by Shivaun Plozza)

This was for the RHC task "recommended by a librarian" and it is queer YA! With an amazing supernatural concept about a girl who dies and goes to her happiest moment, only it's inside of a horrible memory in a rundown motel. Seems tailor-made for me, am I right?

Unfortunately I had a lot of issues with it.  The banter is mostly the main character and the angel who designed her heaven calling each other "dick cheese" and "butt face" a lot. Just not clever or cute, honestly. It's also a really frustratingly dumb concept of heaven, which I guess gets figured out by the end but not in a brilliant, The Good Place type of way. The romantic chemistry is minimal. The entire story of our MC's life (and those she leaves behind) is depressing as hell.   

I would have quit this one, I think, if not for the challenge. I have three other librarian recommendations in my library queue so I may read more of them, we shall see! Sorry this was a miss for me.

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