Wednesday, June 08, 2011

A Visit from the Goon Squad (by Jennifer Egan)

Really engaging, with some terrific chapters and amazing characters. Loved the linkage between the stories (even if ultimately I wished the stories were a little less linked, ala David Mitchell, so I could get a Noreen chapter or a Rolph chapter instead of more Bennie and Sasha). But that's just me.

I really loved some of the chapters, like the safari chapter (which I read first in the New Yorker) and the Powerpoint chapter (which could have been gimmicky but had surprising depth). It edged towards cartoonish at moments for me (like the chapter about the General) and I would have also preferred more realism. Again, that feels like me projecting again!

So for what the book is as opposed to what I wanted it to be, it is a really great read. I actually am looking forward to re-reading it, picking up more of the links between the chapters and the characters.


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