Friday, February 01, 2008

Portnoy's Complaint (by Phillip Roth)

Another book that is on both the MLA and the Time Magazine list. God knows where or javascript:void(0)when I read this on my recent travels; I think I was in Colorado. I've been meaning to read this for years, since on the cover of my copy of Sheila Levine Is Dead and Living in New York, it calls it the "feminine rejoinder to Portnoy's Complaint." Finally having read it, I totally get it. The ending is a little "hey-yooooo" and the book in general is a little... I don't know, one note? But it's pretty funny and entertaining. I suppose everyone thinks Roth is so brave for writing about Oedipal stuff and whacking off a lot. I guess I enjoyed it but I'm not necessarily all jazzed up about it. It's probably my penis envy talking.

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