Saturday, March 13, 2021

Fake Accounts (by Lauren Oyler)

I was so delighted when I started this book; the narrative voice is unique and funny. It's set right after the election in 2016 and the premise is that a woman finds out her boyfriend is a secret Internet conspiracy theorist. There are amazing tidbits about 2016 America and living life on social media. Sample quote:

"The internet is always on, interaction always available, but it could not guarantee I would be able to interact with someone I liked and understood, or who (I thought) liked and understood me. I’d gotten used to using people I’d never met, or met a few times, to muffle the sound of time passing without transcendence or joy or any of the good emotions I wanted to experience during my life, and I knew the feeling was mutual, and that was the comfort in it."

But unfortunately the book quickly fizzles out. The plot never goes anywhere and it never adds up to anything. I started with such high hopes but man, was this a disappointment in the end.

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